Find out how your pension may be affected
The McCloud Remedy will lead to different results for different protected members. In this section, we look at how different members and their families might be affected and what the remedy means for them.
The information on this page is for members who have underpin protection because of the McCloud remedy. Remember – not all members are protected by the McCloud Remedy. Use the ‘Am I affected‘ tool to find out if you are. You can also see examples of how different members are affected.
Book onto a McCloud webinar if you would like to understand more about the McCloud remedy and how you might be affected. Joining a webinar is also a great way to learn more about how the LGPS works and the options open to you as a member.
What happens if…?
- I am an active member protected by the underpin?
- I am protected by the underpin and I have deferred benefits?
- I am protected by the underpin and I transfer my pension out of the LGPS?
- I am protected by the underpin and I re-join the LGPS?
- I am protected by the McCloud remedy and I transfer from one public service pension scheme to another?
- I take my pension and I am protected by the underpin?
- I have a right to a refund from a different public service pension scheme?
- I transfer a pension out of a different public service pension scheme?
- My pension fund does not know that I am protected?
- The pension I built up in the remedy period includes extra pension or debits?
- I am protected by the underpin and I get divorced?
- I am protected by the underpin and I die?
- I am protected by the underpin and I have to pay pension tax charges?
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